
Jackie grew up in a conflict family, reportedly hated by her mother. “I reached a level where I hated myself and wanted to commit suicide,” she said. She went from church to church to find solace but in vain, and her emotional distress and depression could not be relieved. She healed through the UCP therapeutic group and eventually found peace of heart. “In our therapeutic group, as I was listening to a very painful story of one participant, her suffering became my cure. I slept well that night and the next morning I felt different, cheered up,” she reported. Therese said that, after she listened to another participant who shared a similar story and who had forgiven her mother, she managed to forgive her mother too for the ordeal she had imposed on her. She reportedly healed from her abdominal flatulence and bloating, through the breath-body-mind techniques. 

Jean Bosco Niyonzima