
Thomas is 47 years old with 4 children. After the 1994 genocide, he was accused for his alleged involvement in the genocide and imprisoned for 7 years, even as he denied the charges. He was then released. However, during the subsequent Gacaca (community court trials) he was found guilty and sentenced to an additional 15 years of imprisonment. Thomas was released last year 2023, after a 3 year corrective community service.

Back in the community, he found that most of his neighbors had all moved away.  Even if he was out of physical prison, he was feeling internally imprisoned in loneliness, isolation, shame and feared to meet the family members of his victims. He was filled with remorse and felt unable to reconnect with other people.

After participating in the Ubuntu Center 15 weeks healing program, he disclosed that he finally had the courage to seek forgiveness from the families of his victims and feels like he is part of the society again. “I finally feel free, I feel released from the prison where I was because I am once again reconnected with people, where I can process my emotions, express my thoughts and be listened to without any judgment,” he said.

“…. I value my life, my family and the country as a whole. The tree of life reminded me that we are different parts of the tree and that we are all one”.

Jean Bosco Niyonzima