Building New Partnerships
Ubuntu Center for Peace works with strategic partners including the government institutions, academic, church institutions, and other like-minded organizations, to name but a few, to advance its mission. This year, we have signed new partnerships locally with the Gasabo and Kirehe districts, the University of Rwanda and internationally with the +1 Global Fund for Health – a funding initiative supported by the Roddenberry, Skoll Foundation, Vitol Foundation and the Valerian Fund, to support high-impact scalable solutions in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Ubuntu Center staff - Marie Louise (in the middle) signing the MoU with Gasabo district in Kigali City
The Ubuntu leadership team with the Mayor of Kirehe district and Executive Secretaries of all 12 sectors of the Kirehe district.
Behavioral health research team of the University of Rwanda School of Medicine and the Executive Director of Ubuntu Center for Peace.